Proportion Of First-Generation Female Students

Number of students


Number of students starting a degree


Number of first-generation students starting a degree


Number of women starting a degree


Number of first-generation women starting a degree


Student Access Measures

Our university systematically measures/tracks women's application rate, acceptance/entry rate, and study completion rate. Sakarya University keeps track of the number of female students enrolled in student admission, completion time, and completion rate data. Our institution does not know the number and gender details of the students applying to Sakarya University. After the students gain the right to enroll, they are notified to the university. The application and examination process before this is carried out nationally by the Student Selection and Placement Center.

On the other hand, Sakarya University conducts an exam itself during the foreign student recruitment process. These data are monitored by the Women's Studies Application and Research Center and reported to the senior management. Studies are carried out within the Women's Studies Application and Research Center to increase women's higher education effectiveness.

Our university provides women's access schemes. Sakarya University provides mentorship, scholarship, and targeted support to women. The Women's Studies Application and Research Center, operating within Sakarya University, follows mentorship and targeted support practices. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that women who applied for a scholarship were more likely than men to be awarded a scholarship. In the context of their entrepreneurial skills, women are supported by Technopolis and Incubation Center. Some women have businesses or start-up companies in the Technopolis and the Incubation Center. The development of these enterprises is also monitored by the Women's Studies Application and Research Center.

Our university encourages applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented. Sakarya University determines the areas where women are in the minority and works to increase women's orientation in these areas. Women-oriented studies are carried out in areas such as education, health, entrepreneurship, and administration. One example of these studies is the congresses aiming to expand the working and activity areas of women. Sakarya University hosted an international congress on women and health. Local and national level administrators attended this congress. Participants underlined in their speeches that they applied positive discrimination against women.

Proportion Of Senior Female Academics

Number of employees


Number of academic staff


Number of senior academic staff


Number of female senior academic staff



Proportion Of Women Receiving Degrees

Number of graduates


Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences):


Number of graduates: STEM


Number of graduates: Medicine


Number of graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences


Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences):


Number of female graduates: STEM


Number of female graduates: Medicine


Number of female graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences


Women's Progress Measures

Our university has a policy of non-discrimination against women. Sakarya University does not have any processes that examine and question the sexual orientation of individuals or any process that takes action accordingly. Individuals' sexual orientation is not questioned, or individuals are not forced to report their sexual orientation. It is understood that in the Senate Principles Regarding the Sakarya University Graduate Education and Training Regulations and the student admission legislation, all individuals are evaluated under the same conditions regardless of gender, and there is no gender discrimination in the application, evaluation, or admission processes. Also, there is no gender discrimination within the scope of employment principles. There is no gender discrimination in the rules applied in the employment of permanent civil servants, permanent workers, lecturers, or lecturers in public institutions and organizations.

 Our university has a policy of non-discrimination for transgender people. Sakarya University does not have any processes that examine and question the sexual orientation of individuals or any process that takes action accordingly. Individuals' sexual orientation is not questioned, or individuals are not forced to report their sexual orientation. Also, there is no gender discrimination within the scope of employment principles. There is no gender discrimination in the rules applied in the employment of permanent civil servants, permanent workers, lecturers, or lecturers in public institutions and organizations. Our university has maternity and paternity policies that support women's participation. Academic and administrative staff at Sakarya University are subject to civil servants' law. According to the civil servants' law, women have the right to paid leave before and after birth. Men are entitled to paid paternity leave after birth. After the paid leave period, women can extend the maternity leave period up to 2 years free of charge. Our university has accessible childcare facilities for students, which allow recent mothers to attend university courses. Women with children in pre-school education age can entrust their children to the kindergarten located on the campus and provide support within the university. This kindergarten serves between formal education hours. Our university has childcare facilities for staff and faculty. There is a foundation school within the university that serves from pre-school period to high school period. The foundation school serves all students but provides discounted service to university staff. Our university has women's mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate. More than 10% of our female students participate in the international interdisciplinary women's studies congress held every year and in the training and social events organized by our Women Research Center. Our university has measurement/tracking of women's likelihood of graduating compared to men's and schemes to close any gap. The education period and graduation rates of female and male students are monitored. Accordingly, women's graduation period is shorter than men's, and their graduation rate is higher than men's. In the last five years, women's graduation rate has increased by two points in both undergraduate and graduate education. At Sakarya University, we carry out research and studies to shorten all our students' graduation periods and increase the graduation rate. Various practices are being tried to increase teacher-student interaction to increase our students' commitment to the school. Our university has a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage. Employees or students of Sakarya University can submit all their requests and complaints through the quality management system without reporting their identity. If the complainant's identity information is recorded, this information is not shared with the unit subject to the complaint. People can also report their complaints and requests to the department head, the dean's office, or the rectorate. The complainant's disadvantage due to the situation that is the subject of the complaint or for a different reason is under the disciplinary regulation protection. An investigation is initiated, and an investigation is initiated within the scope of higher education institutions' disciplinary regulation against those who exhibit negative behaviors such as uncomfortable, disadvantaged, or trying to bring others for various reasons. At Sakarya University, the investigation process is carried out in secrecy under the management of legal consultancy.
