First-Generation Students

Number of students


Number of students starting a degree


Number of first-generation students starting a degree


Students From Developing Countries

Number of students


Number of international students from developing countries


Proportion Of Students With Disabilities

             Number of students                


Number of students with disability


Proportion Of Employees With Disabilities

Number of employees


Number of employees with disability


Measures Against Discrimination

Higher education institutions are protected by Sakarya University's ethical conduct principles, which do not discriminate in the recruitment of students, administrative staff, or academics. According to these rules, which the Sakarya University ethics committee carefully applies, there is no discrimination between individuals based on various characteristics. There is only positive discrimination towards the recruitment of disabled students and staff. The staff for the disabled are determined externally outside the main staff. The principles regarding this application are explained in detail in logical application principles open to public scrutiny.

Sakarya University monitors the applications and acceptance of minority groups. At Sakarya University, students in groups can be qualified as minorities in various ways, such as international students, disabled students, non-traditional students, and low-income students. The distinction between these groups is known only by the Dean of Students. Even the disabled student unit does not contact the student unless the student declares himself. There are different quotas for international students and disabled students. No discrimination is made for students outside of these groups. Nevertheless, there are minority groups among student societies, and they organize activities that add color and variety to Sakarya University throughout the year.

The university does not consider discrimination such as sexual orientation, gender, religion, language, race among the discrimination issues listed above as a difference, and no different policies are applied to these people. There are different quotas and support programs for international students, disabled students, staff/faculty, and low-income students. A different public personnel selection examination is applied for the disabled, and the quota is also different.

Disciplinary regulations, investigation regulations, and regulations on disabled students in Sakarya University include discrimination or harassment cases as a crime. Details of the investigation and criminal sanctions regarding these crimes are published publicly.

The ethical rules and equitable approach applied at Sakarya University are under the control and management of the ethics committee assigned and authorized by the university administration. There is also a support and counseling unit for the disabled. Sakarya University Disabled Student Unit aims to determine the needs of disabled students regarding education, training, scholarship, administrative, physical, housing, social, and similar areas while continuing their education. The unit determines the measures to be taken to meet these needs, proposes solutions to eliminate them, and makes the necessary arrangements to coordinate with other units or departments at the university. It develops programs and projects, organizes seminars, conferences, and similar activities to increase awareness and sensitivity in disability. Sakarya University offers many services such as accessible support for disadvantaged groups, psycho-social and academic counseling, scholarship services, peer support, mentoring support, and course partnership. These services are carried out by the disabled student unit.

There are elevators in faculty and administrative buildings in order to expand the transportation area of the disabled. Also, there are single chairs at the entrance of the faculties. There is a perceptible line (visually impaired path) on the floor for visually impaired individuals. It is ensured that all lessons of disabled students are held in classrooms with the highest accessibility. The disabled student unit carries out the coordination of this process.

Disabled individuals are provided with devices suitable for their disabilities or many facilitating services such as personal assistant, peer support, mentor support, and course partnership. We offer embossed documents for the visually impaired or visual materials for the hearing impaired. Also, the device needs of our disabled students with low income are met by Sakarya University. Among the products offered to our disabled students, there are devices and software such as book reading machines, embossing printer, screen reader program, screen enlarging program, relief screen.

The Disabled Student Unit offers scholarship opportunities for disabled students. Also, free transportation, accommodation and nutrition services are provided for low-income students. Care is taken to ensure that the accommodation and education areas of disabled students are easily accessible in terms of transportation. The application procedures and principles that provide positive discrimination for disabled students are publicly published on our legal consultancy website.