Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Education

Our university supports and/or organizes events to promote conservation and sustainable land utilization, including forests and wildland. Activities promoting the protection and sustainability of forests and landscapes are organized at Sakarya University. Activities and seminars emphasizing the importance of green are organized for the protection of nature. Our student societies also actively work on protecting and sustainable use of spaces and carrying out awareness studies.

Our university has policies to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed. There is a directive in the agreements made with the companies that sell food or provide cafeteria services at the university that the crops should be preferred from the products grown with sustainable agriculture methods. In this way, a policy is formed that includes companies from which services are purchased and other supply chain stakeholders, and sustainable farming is supported.

Our university works directly to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat. In the plant and tissue laboratory of Sakarya University, direct studies are carried out to protect and expand the existing ecosystems and biological diversity of plants and animals.

Our university offers educational programs on ecosystems for local or national communities. There are many educational programs on the ecosystem at Sakarya University. Participation in educational programs is open to the public. Also, individuals can access the educational content and course materials offered online.

Our university offers educational programs/outreach for local or national communities on sustainable land management for agriculture and tourism. Sakarya University has many training programs on sustainable land management for agriculture and tourism. Participation in educational programs is open to the public. Also, individuals can access the educational content and course materials offered online.

Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Action

Our university has the policy to ensure the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems associated with the university, particularly forests, mountains, and drylands. Sakarya University's policy on this issue is stated in the strategic plan. Accordingly, improving education, sanitary conditions, renewable energy, human-oriented social development, reducing inequalities, human development, responsible consumption, and production, taking into account the principles of environmental protection, is one of Sakarya University's goals. Targets and performance indicators for this purpose are recorded and monitored every six months.

Our university include local biodiversity in any planning and development process. Sakarya University aims to build smart buildings that benefit from sustainable energy resources to construct new buildings. For this purpose, buildings with natural ventilation and natural lighting are built. Considering the region's climatic conditions, mostly pine and cedar trees were planted on the campus. These trees are included in the vegetation cover that does not require much irrigation and is suitable for the region's humid climate conditions. Sakarya University has a policy of reducing the species that harm the agricultural conditions in our region. As a region with very suitable lands for agriculture, we are working to control the spread and development of alien species that damage farmers' crops. Our university collaborates with the local community in efforts to maintain shared land ecosystems. Sakarya University works in cooperation with recycling enterprises, waste disposal enterprises, and water and sewage administration.

Land Sensitive Waste Disposal

Our university has water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges . Before water discharge, waste oil filters are used to prevent the waste oil from threatening nature. Also, wastewater recycling processes in cooperation with the water and sewerage administration are applied to recycle wastewater.

Our university has a policy on reducing plastic waste on campus. At Sakarya University, there are policies for implementation in plastic usage areas to minimize plastic use. In areas such as cafes, cafeterias, canteens, and teahouses, presentations were given with durable materials instead of disposable or plastic products. Also, these policies are specified among the rules that must be followed in the service purchase contracts of companies serving in the fields of plastic use.

Our university has a policy on waste disposal - covering hazardous materials. Inorganic Waste treatment in Sakarya University aims to gather plastic, glass, metal, paper, digital, and medical waste and deliver them to waste treatment areas for recycling and classify valuable materials for reuse. Sakarya University works with Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality. The staff gathers the waste from the campus regularly. The faculty may also call the environmental services office to gather the batteries or the digital waste when enough waste is collected. Several programs are implemented to create awareness for classifying and delivering the waste for recycling, and these are referred under the heading for recycling programs. Toxic and hazardous wastes of Sakarya University are stored in a special collection area, given to IZAYDAŞ at regular intervals, thus ensuring that they are disposed of without harming the environment. All toxic wastes of the university are necessarily disposed of in this way.

Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Education


Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Education

Üniversitenizin bir kurum olarak, özellikle ormanlar, dağlar ve kurak alanlar olmak üzere üniversite ile bağlantılı karasal ekosistemlerin korunmasını, restorasyonunu ve sürdürülebilir kullanımını sağlamaya yönelik bir politikası var mı?


Plant and Tissue Culture Laboratory:


15.3.1. Arazinin sürdürülebilir kullanımı, korunması ve restorasyonu (politika) (2020 yılında uygulamada olan) Özellikle ormanlar, dağlar ve kurak alanlar olmak üzere üniversite ile ilişkili karasal ekosistemlerin korunmasını, restorasyonunu ve sürdürülebilir kullanımını sağlayacak bir politikaya sahip olmak


Kampüs içerisinde Orman Bakanlığından tahsisli 73.281 m2 orman arazisi yürüyüş ve spor alanı olarak kullanılmaktadır.


15.3.3. Planlama ve geliştirmeye dahil edilen yerel biyoçeşitlilik (2020 yılı) Yerel biyoçeşitliliğin herhangi bir planlama ve geliştirme sürecine dahil edilmesi (ör. yeni binaların inşası)

Orman alanlarına bina yapılmamakta olup mevcut inşaatların alanına gelen ağaçlarda uygun bölgelere taşınmaktadır.


Plants grown in the Plant and Tissue Research laboratory.



Many plant species that cannot be reproduced with traditional methods at home and abroad are sterilized under appropriate conditions and reproduced at low cost. Plants reproduced in special environments in the laboratory, where ideal temperature and humidity conditions are created, are sent to the areas where they are needed after they are acclimatized to the current weather conditions in the greenhouse. 


Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):


Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Action


Üniversitenizin bir kurum olarak, özellikle ormanlar, dağlar ve kurak alanlar olmak üzere üniversite ile bağlantılı karasal ekosistemlerin korunmasını, restorasyonunu ve sürdürülebilir kullanımını sağlamaya yönelik bir politikası var mı? 



